The mysteries surrounding the brain will be uncovered during Brain Awareness Week 2010.
Neurons, synapses and cerebral functions will be on the menu of Brain Awareness Week which will take place from March 15th to 21th, 2010. Throughout the week, researchers and students from Montreal studying in the field of neuroscience will provide you with answers regarding the mysteries of the central manager of the human body: the brain! During this event, volunteer students from universities around the city will come together to offer to more than 10 000 students the opportunity to learn about the five senses and the effect of drugs on the brain. In addition, free conferences will be organised for the general public throughout the week (see themes and schedule below).
Brain Awareness Week is an international event that was created by the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives. Its main objective is to promote the progress and the impact of brain related research to youth and to the general public. In Montreal, currently one of the top internationally renowned cities in neuroscience research, graduate students from Université de Montréal, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM), McGill University and Concordia University are collaborating to organise the various events that will be taking place during this year’s Brain Awareness Week.
Interactive presentations for elementary and high schools:
- Elementary school –The 5 senses
- High school– The effects of drugs on the brain
The media is invited to join in the different presentations that will take place in schools all around Montreal. To get more information on the schedule of the presentations or to confirm your attendance at the event, please communicate with Elise Barbeau at 514 995-6778.
Free public bilingual conferences
- The Brain Symphony – a Neuroscience Café on the relationship between the Brain and Music
A discussion between the general public and scientists specialised in the relationship between music and the brain. How does music make us feel? What parts of our brain respond to music? Are musicians better at controlling their movements? How can music be used therapeutically? The discussion will be followed by a performance by DJ Theo Zanos.
Invited experts:
Dr. Nathalie Gosselin, BRAMS/Université de Montréal, Dr. Virginia Penhune, Concordia & Dr. Robert Zatorre, McGill/MNI
Where? O Patro Vys, 356 ave. Mont-Royal Est
When? Monday March 17th 2010. 6PM - The P word, laughter is the best medicine-a Scientific Café on Pain
Do women really have a higher tolerance to pain than men? Is placebo a valid treatment option for pain? How real is the pain from a broken heart?
Invited experts:
Dr. Mathieu Roy, Université de Montréal /Columbia, Dr. Jeffrey Mogil, McGill, Dr. Catherine
Bushnell, McGill & Dr. Michael Sullivan, McGill.
Where ? O Patro Vys, 356 ave. Mont-Royal Est
When? Monday April 19th, 2010. 7PM
Open House Events
Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI)
120 students from Montreal schools will visit laboratories and will have the opportunity to participate in a magnetic resonance imaging session (MRI).
Where? Montreal Neurological Institute, 3801 University Street
When? Friday March 19th, 2010
Élise Barbeau
Phone: 514-995-6778