
Clinical staff and researchers who enjoyed the 2002-4 Research Forum Series will be pleased to hear that it has been revived…and updated.
Starting in March 2006, the Case Studies Forum Series will be launched in Douglas Hall with the first presentation covering the topic of psychiatric and substance abuse disorders. All clinicians and researchers, as well as other healthcare staff and
community partners, are encouraged to attend presentations, which will be held four times
per year.

Same Goal, Streamlined Approach
Like its predecessor, the Case Studies Forum Series will provide clinical staff, managers, and researchers with regular opportunities to share expertise on specific clinical problems.
However, the new format is more focused. Rather than discussing numerous cases, large projects or general concerns, each presentation will revolve around one real case study.
Using the latest information in the field of mental health, our clinical staff and researchers will combine their talents to provide the best possible recommendations for the treatment of featured clinical disorders—recommendations that may help professionals treat clients with similar mental health-related concerns, inform managers
about best practices in service organization, and stimulate clinically-relevant research.
Since our Hospital specializes in complex cases, including those with dual diagnoses, the focus will be on presenting challenging clinical profiles that call upon our level of expertise. Our community partners will be encouraged to participate in the forum, by requesting topics that reflect their needs, in keeping with our mandate to share our
knowledge with first- and second-line healthcare providers.

The forum's organizing committee, led by Mimi Israël, MD, includes Kenneth R. Bruce, PhD, Ruth Gruber, PhD, Ridha Joober, MD, PhD, Jane Lalonde, Michel Perreault, PhD, and Howard
Steiger, PhD.