
Out of the mouths of … patients! What could be better than a first-hand testimonial to help us understand what it is to live, day in and day out, with a mental illness?

Before 150 guests who attended the Douglas Mental Health Institute Foundation's 11th Annual Golf Tournament, Marie-Josée D'Amours, a former patient at the Douglas Institute's Eating Disorders Program, gave a moving testimonial. The room was charged with emotion as Marie-Josée now a healthy, vibrant, and successful professional, told guests of her 12-year struggle with anorexia and bulimia. Her haunting photos and graphic description of her illness and recovery, left guests distressed, emotional, inspired and uplifted. She is real proof that recovery from mental illness is possible. Mr. Roger Beauchemin, co-president of the event, commented that "Marie-Josée is ‘a remarkable spokesperson who will really make a difference, will change people's perceptions, and will demystify mental illness".

Another highlight of the evening: Alain Brunet, PhD, researcher at The Douglas Institute, gave an overview of his research, aimed at developing a cure for those suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome.

The Foundation warmly thanks event co-presidents Mr. Roger Beauchemin, President and CEO, McLean Budden Limited, and Mr. Jean-Jacques Rainville, Partner, Dunton Rainville Barristors and Solicitors, and the volunteers, donors, and sponsors, who made the event such a success. The event raised more than $134,500 which will be used to improve quality of care and access to care, for people suffering from mental illness. More than half of the funds raised will support researchers at the Douglas Institute, the second largest mental health and neuroscience research centre in Canada. We believe that the best outcomes for people suffering from mental illness can only be achieved by integrating care, teaching and research. A special thanks to Mr. Normand Coulombe and Mr. Martin Beauchamps for devoting so much of their time to make the event a financial success.

Thanks to our Officer Sponsors :
Sun Life Financial, McLean Budden, and Standard Life

Thanks to our Member Sponsors:
Agence S.O.E.S. Marketing, BMO Bank of Montreal, Dunton Rainville, Barristors and Solicitors, Groupe SNC-Lavalin inc., Hewlett Packard, Pipe & Piling Supplies Ltd.

Thanks to our Associate Sponsor :
Gestion de placements Innocap inc.

Thanks to our Donors:
Alfred Dallaire Memoria; Bentley Leathers Inc.; BMO Nesbitt Burns; Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada; Casgrain & Compagnie Limitée; Catania-Groupe Immobilier; Cohn & Wolfe; Fédération Caisse Desjardins du Québec; Groupe Gestion privée Scotia; Charles Parent; Pictet Gestion Privée Canada inc.; Presima inc.; Saulnier; Robillard; Lortie; Stokes Inc.; SupremeX Inc.; TD Waterhouse; Transcontinental inc.; and Bernard Stotland.