
Anna Polotskaia and Lisa A. Buchy have each received, last april, Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship from the Canadian government. 166 of the worlds leading doctoral students from Canada and abroad awarded $50,000 annually for up to three years to pursue studies at Canadian universities.

"The value and prestige of the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships put them on par with such highly renowned scholarships as the Rhodes scholarships in the United Kingdom and the Fulbright scholarships in the United States", said Chad Gaffield, president of Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). "We are delighted to offer these bright students an opportunity to pursue their studies within Canadian universities. They will enrich our campuses now and into the future."

Anna Polotskaia completed a Master's in psychiatry in the Attention Deficit, with or without Hyperactivity, Disorders (ADHD) Clinic at the Douglas and is now doing her PhD under the supervision of Natalie Grizenko, MD, Medical Chief of the Child Psychiatry Program at the Douglas Institute.

Lisa A. Buchy, who is also a doctoral candidate, works in the lab of Martin Lepage, PhD, researcher and director of the Brain Imaging Group at the Douglas Institute. Lisa's work focuses on the functional neuroimaging of cognitive insight in first-episode psychosis.