
For some 10 years, the Réseau Québécois de Télésanté (RQT) has held an annual symposium. In 2009, it will be hosted, for the first time, by the RUIS McGill.

Renowned and distinguished national and international speakers will address the up-and-coming global trends, as well as the provincial vision of Telehealth and that of the RUIS McGill. Clinicians will be there to share their accomplishments and future developments within the Telehealth system. Representatives from the Douglas Institute will also participate.

When: 1 & 2 november, 2009
Where: Montreal General Hospital - 1650 Cedar Avenue
Language: English, French

  • Health professionals
  • Computer and communication technology specialists
  • Telehealth solution providers
  • Managers and administrators
  • Researchers
  • Decision-makers

At the RUIS McGill, Telehealth plays a key role in improving accessibility and continuity of health services within its territory, which encompasses 63% of Quebec. Within a context of a shortage of professional resources, Telehealth also promotes productivity and mutual cooperation between establishments.