The International Conference on the Use of the Internet in Mental Health took place at the Douglas Institute from May 14 to May 16, 2009.

The President's message

I am delighted to welcome you to the "International Conference on the Use of the Internet in Mental Health". The theme of the conference is Psych on the net? The future of e-mental health. It also my pleasure to host the "NATO Advanced Research Workshop" on How the Internet Can Help After a Traumatic Event? Both these meetings promise to bring insight to the burgeoning field of e-health and open possible novel avenues of care. We anticipate that this conference, set in one of the world’s most unique and cosmopolitan cities, will be stimulating and invigorating.

The Internet has become a common and prevalent resource for everyone, including those working in mental health. Individuals with mental illnesses, and their loved ones, now turn to the Internet to find information on their disorders, to share their emotions, or to express themselves through personal blogs. Mental health professionals are also taking ownership of this new tool to improve their practice. Various initiatives in this field have already been developed, such as information dissemination, online diagnoses, post-immediate care after a mass casualty event, e-psychotherapy, Internet-based research and academic training. During the "Use of the Internet in Mental Health" conference we will discuss these recent advances as well as look to the future of the Internet and its influence on mental health practices.

This theme is broad and we have divided the conference into concurrent workshops, with topics ranging from the types of available online information to concrete examples of successful paradigms and teaching solutions. During the NATO Advanced Research Workshop we will discuss how the Internet can help after a traumatic event, from prevention of negative sequelae and to treatment via virtual therapy.

We are extremely pleased with the caliber and experience of our experts – more than 60 delegates, from throughout the globe will be presenting. Whether you are a sociologist, philosopher, clinician, researcher or a professional in health systems management, and information technology, we expect you will find this conference enlightening and meaningful.
Welcome to Montreal and we thank you for your participation.


Alain Brunet, PhD
Conference President