Research themes
The lab's current research program is focusing on three topics in mental health research:
1- Psychiatric-somatic comorbidity
The research is concerned with the relationship between mental disorders and somatic chronic conditions. The team is currently conducting three longitudinal community studies of people with diabetes.
2- Psychiatric epidemiology
The researchers are interested in depression and anxiety disorders in the community. The focus is on:
- risk factors for mental disorders
- association between depression and obesity
3- Measurement of health status
Development and application of methods for the assessment of health status is another focus of interest. This includes the evaluation of instruments as well as the development and application of sophisticated psychometric methods to study health outcomes.
Research projects
Montreal diabetes health and well-being study
The Montreal Diabetes Health and Well-Being Study is a telephone survey of the adult population in Quebec, Canada. Participants with diabetes were recruited between January 2008 and April 2008 through random selection of phone numbers (random digit dialing, n=2003) and are assessed every year. The purpose of this longitudinal project is to follow the course of diabetes in a community sample and to study the incidence of and risk factors for depression and disability.
Funding: CIHR 2007-2014
Evaluation of diabetes treatment study (EDIT)
We are interested in better understanding how diabetes affects people’s lives and also how treatment affects their lives in Québec. In order to get the best representation of how diabetes affects people in the general population we are conducting a study where we randomly selected people who have type 2 diabetes in Québec (n=2,500).
The goal of this study is to assess how diabetes affects people’s health and well-being in Québec and to look more closely at the relationship between treatment, health lifestyle and well-being over time. The results will help improve existing health services in Québec.
Funding: CIHR 2010-2015
Diabetes neighborhood and mental health study
The aim of this study is to provide a better understanding of the complex relationship between neighborhood environment, physical activity, diet, depression, disability and quality of life in people with diabetes. We are interested in both, geographic neighborhood information and perceived neighborhood characteristics.
Funding: Canadian Diabetes Association, 2010-2013
Depression and obesity
The team is interested in the longitudinal association between depression and obesity in the community. Using data from the longitudinal Canadian National Population Health Survey (NPHS), we are evaluating the temporal change in prevalence of obesity–depression comorbidity and the longitudinal association from obesity to depression.
Funding: CIHR, 2007-2010
Psychiatric disorders and chronic conditions
The aim of the project was to study the association between mental disorders, chronic somatic conditions, and reduced functioning/disability in a representative Canadian community sample. Using data from the Canadian Community and Health Survey, the team compared the prevalence of functional disability in individuals with chronic medical conditions and comorbid mental disorders in comparison to individuals with either chronic medical conditions or mental disorders alone.
Funding: CIHR, 2006-2008
Norbert Schmitz, Ph.D.
FBC Pavilion, Room F-2113
Tel.: 514-761-6131, ext. 3379
Fax: 514-888-4064