Prix et distinctions
Douglas Institute researchers and their students have received awards and distinctions for their contributions to research and the advancement of knowledge in mental health.
FRSQ Research Scholar (senior) :
Tak Pan Wong PhD
Joel Elkes Award for Clinical Research :
Gustavo Turecki MD, PhD
The American College of Neuropsychopharmacology awards the Joel Elkes award to a young scientist in recognition of outstanding clinical research in neuropsychopharmacology.
2014 Klaus J. Jacob Research Prize Laureate :
Michael Meaney C.M., PhD, C.Q., FRSC
The 2014 Klaus J. Jacob Research Prize Laureate has been awarded to Micheal Meany in recognition of his pioneering, cutting edge research on the biological mechanisms by which parental behaviour affects brain development and lifelong function.
The Klaus J. Jacobs Awards is one of two international prizes presented to honour scientific achievements that are of exceptional social relevance in promoting the development of children and youth.The Jacobs Foundation attaches great importance to the practical application of scientific findings achieved through interdisciplinary research. The Klaus J. Jacobs Research Prize also includes an award of one million Swiss francs, (1M USD).
FRSQ Research Scholar (senior) :
Reut Gruber PhD
Member of the Order of Canada :
Serge Gauthier MD, FRCPC
The Member of the Order of Canada recognizes a lifetime of distinguished service in or to a particular community, group or field of activity
Samarthji Lal Award :
Gustavo Turecki MD, PhD
Graham Boeck Foundation & CIHR’s Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addictions (INMHA) present the Samarthji Lal Award every year to one researcher in psychiatry for outstanding contributions in the field.
Top 10 findings of the year :
Gustavo Turecki MD, PhD
Every year, Québec Science selects the top 10 scientific discoveries by Quebec scientists.
Wilder-Penfield Award :
Michael Meaney C.M., PhD, C.Q., FRSC
This is the highest award for biomedical research, given by the Government of Quebec, which "goes to scientists whose research aims fall within the field of biomedicine. These fields include the medical sciences, the natural sciences, and engineering".
Award from the Alzheimer Society of Canada :
Maria Natasha Rajah PhD
The Alzheimer Society of Canada identifies, develops and facilitates national priorities that enable its members to effectively alleviate the personal and social consequences of Alzheimer's and related diseases, promotes research and leads the search for a cure.
FRSQ Research Scholar Award :
Maria Natasha Rajah PhD