Prix et distinctions
Douglas Institute researchers and their students have received awards and distinctions for their contributions to research and the advancement of knowledge in mental health.
NARSAD Young Investigator Award :
Romain Goutagny
The Young Investigator Award helps the most promising scientists who are now entering research to generate pilot data necessary for larger grants. Romain Goutagny received this award for his research project "Identification des mécanismes de modification des oscillations du réseau septum-hippocampe chez des modèles animaux de schizophrénie."
Sam Lal Award from the Graham Boekh Foundation and the CCNP :
Ridha Joober MD, PhD
The Dr. Samarthji Lal award will recognize a Canadian researcher in the area of psychiatry, with a focus on major mental disorders, who is mid-career and making an outstanding contribution to the field.
Academy for Eating Disorders Leadership Award :
Howard Steiger PhD
This leadership award is given by the Academy for Eating Disorders for Award for Clinical, Administrative or Educational Activity.
Animal Welfare Award :
Eve-Marie Charbonneau
Supervisor of the Neurophenotyping Centre and Coordinator of the Neurophenotyping platform, win the 1st place in the very first Animal Welfare Award competition of McGill Animal Compliance Office of VP Research and International Relations.
She is awarded this distinction as a recognition for her many initiatives in the implementation of an excellent health program in the animal facility at the Douglas, the establishment of an environmental enrichment program, her influence throughout the opening of the new animal facility as well as refining and designing neurophenotyping behavioural tests to adapt to animals with special needs.
Bombardier Fellowship :
Erika Brathwaite
The fellowship is intended to promote research that will allow for the development, exchange, synthesis, implementation and/or evaluation of innovative, evidence-based and ethically-sound clinical practices, services, products or guidelines for mental health interventions.
Bombardier Fellowship :
Geneviève Gariepy
The fellowship is intended to promote research that will allow for the development, exchange, synthesis, implementation and/or evaluation of innovative, evidence-based and ethically-sound clinical practices, services, products or guidelines for mental health interventions.
Celebrity of the Week :
Gustavo Turecki MD, PhD
Awarded by the newspaper La Presse, the “Celebrity of the Week” recognizes Quebeckers who have caught media attention for their work in various disciplines.
Christopher Webster Young Scholar Award :
Erika Brathwaite
Presented by the International Association of Forensic Mental Health to the best conference presentation by a student or young scholar.
Genesis Award - Biotechnology of Tomorrow category :
Judes Poirier PhD, C.Q.
With this award, GénomeQuébec recognizes a researcher's significant impact on the potential use of genomics in the healthcare system and the vision and leadership in genomics research.
Heinz E. Lehmann Prize for Excellence in Psychiatry :
N.P. Vasavan Nair M.D., FRCPC
This annual prize is given by the Association des médecins psychiatres du Québec to a psychiatrist whose carreer has contributed to the advancement of his profession.