September 09, 2011
Section : The Douglas

McGill and the Douglas have joined hands to create the StoP-AD Centre dedicated to the prevention of AD.

November 18, 2014
Section : News

Friday November 14th was a day of celebration for the Douglas’s Research Center’s Stop-Ad Center.

May 01, 2012
Section : The Douglas

Team members of the Brain Imaging Centre, directed by Natasha Rajah, PhD

September 19, 2011
Section : The Douglas

Eligibility criteria and process to participate in the PREVENT-Alzheimer study.

September 16, 2011
Section : The Douglas

The goal of this study  is to understand how we can slow or reverse the emergence of AD symptoms

September 09, 2011
Section : The Douglas

Contact information for the PREVENT-Alzheimer study

September 09, 2011
Section : The Douglas

Research team of the PREVENT-Alzherimer Program.  

September 09, 2011
Section : The Douglas

The goal of the PREVENT-AD program is to study memory and brain changes in healthy people over the age of 60.

September 09, 2011
Section : The Douglas

McGill and the Douglas have joined hands to create the StoP-AD Centre dedicated to the prevention of AD.

December 01, 2024
Section : The Douglas

Alzheimer's disease: A ticking bomb Canada and the world face a ruinous increase in the incidence of dementia caused by Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Around the globe, more than 35 million people have dementia. Their care costs $600 billion each ye