Section : News
In May 2003, first-of-Its-kind Canadian Suicide Research Facility opens at Douglas Hospital
Section : News
Genetic findings in anorexia and bulimia: genetic predisposition and external variables play an important role.
Section : The Douglas
If families initiate treatment, why is it so difficult to involve them in an intervention?
Section : The Douglas
Will the donors' family receive a copy of the research results from the studies in which the donor's tissue was used?
Section : The Douglas
Will the donors' family receive a copy of the brain autopsy report?
Section : The Douglas
Where do the human tissue samples come from?
Section : Mental Health Info
Can a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease be confirmed while the person is still alive or only with an autopsy?
Section : Mental Health Info
What comes first in psychotic disorders: the brain abnormalities or the clinical manifestations?
Section : Mental Health Info
What is the treatment for ADD without hyperactivity? Is Ritalin necessary in this case?
Section : Mental Health Info
If a gene is detected that is responsible for psychiatric diseases, how is it treated? How can we prevent it from being expressed?