Section : Mental Health Info
Can a bipolar patient ever stop taking medication like Lithium?
Section : Mental Health Info
Somebody I know has been diagnosed as bipolar II. Could it be a misdiagnosis?
Section : Mental Health Info
As a mental health specialist, do you believe that more and more people are developing mental illnesses? If so, why do you think this is?
Section : Mental Health Info
Are mental illnesses less frequent in "primitive societies"? What about suicide and anorexia, in particular?
Section : Mental Health Info
What are the chances of a child being diagnosed as bipolar, if one of the parents is diagnosed with the disorder?
Section : Mental Health Info
The antidepressants I take have taken away my strong creative side; should I stop taking them?
Section : Career
Person who exercises activities of evaluation, intervention, actualization, and follow-up of patients suffering of depression, bipolar and personality disorders.The incumbent will be called upon to use his / her vehicle in order to do home visits. Th
Section : Mental Health Info
Bonjour à tous , Aujourd'hui je vais vous raconter un résumer mon histoire. Tout débuta lorsque j'étais une toute petite fille. J'ai été dans des familles d'accueuil, car ma mère avait beaucoup de problèmes et elle n'avait pas la force et l'énergie de m'élever. Alors, j'ai du m'éduquer seul[...]
Section : Patient care
Our network of 40 member associations offers free support services to anyone living with a person suffering from a mental illness (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, borderline personality disorder). FFAPAMM is the only Quebec association exclusively dedicated to the family/friend of the person with a mental illness. It answers to more than 60 000 calls every year. Location: Everywhere in Quebec Language: French and English