Section : Social Media
Hitting bottom - Chronic or episodic depression and burnout? Watch this 2011 lecture by Dr. Mimi Israel (in French).
Section : News
Is there a link between burn-out and depression? Burn-out is generally seen as a specific problem related to stress in the workplace whereas depression is a broader phenomenon.
Section : News
Mental illnesses can be treated - The Douglas launches major awareness campaign
Section : News
Is there a price to pay to be successful? Douglas documentary examines burnout and depression?
Section : The Douglas
Douglas Hospital was founded in 1881 by Alfred Perry and a group of Protestant clergy and Montréal citizens.
Section : The Douglas
Camillo Zacchia is Senior advisor, Mental Health Education Office (MHEO) at the Douglas Institute.
Section : News
Did you know? The philanthropy of our employees is essential to the Douglas’ mission. Your gifts represent one third of all individual donations raised by the Foundation. As Douglas employees, you are part of the Douglas Family. Your
Section : News
Voici maintenant quatre mois que je suis revenu d'Angleterre. Je dresse ici un bilan des expériences anglaises dont, il me semble, le Québec pourrait s'inspirer.
Section : News
For the second year, the Douglas Mental Health University Institute is offering the 2007 Mini-Psych School.
Section : News
Mental illnesses can be treated - The Douglas launches major awareness campaign