September 27, 2024
Section : Patient care

The Program for Dementia with Psychiatric Comorbidity (PDCP) provides superspecialized care to people of all ages who have mild to severe cognitive impairments combined with psychiatric or behavioural disorders.

April 20, 2010
Section : Patient care

There are three external service points in the geriatric psychiatry program.

September 27, 2024
Section : Patient care

The Geriatric Psychiatry Program at the Douglas Institute provides services to clients aged 65 and older and to adults younger than 65 with a geriatric profile. The program covers psychiatric diagnoses such as: mood disorders anxiety di

September 27, 2024
Section : Patient care

The Mental Health Program for Adults of South-West Territories for adults residing in the territories of the Sud-Ouest borough provides a range of second-line mental health services to people aged 18 to 64, with the exception of the Emergency Department, which receives people of all ages.

September 27, 2024
Section : Mental Health Info

Classes are held every Tuesdays at 7 PM, from October 23 to November 27, 2007. They were overseen by Hani Iskandar, MD, Clinical Chief at Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit and Coordinator in Undergraduate Medical Education at Douglas I

September 27, 2024
Section : Mental Health Info

Mental Illness: The Facts and the Fiction The theme of the 2009 Session of Mini-Psych is Mental Illness: The Facts and the Fiction. Each of the 6 classes given by an expert from the Douglas Institute is exploring the

April 23, 2010
Section : The Douglas

Douglas Hospital was founded in 1881 by Alfred Perry and a group of Protestant clergy and Montréal citizens.

March 22, 2013
Section : Research

Her current research interests lie in the areas of molecular genetic and personality factors that influence eating disorder symptoms and treatment outcomes.

February 28, 2013
Section : Research

Andrée Daigneault  MD, is interested in the rehabilitation of young adults aged 18 to 30 who suffer from bipolar disorders

February 27, 2012
Section : Research

For over two decades, Ellen Corin has worked within provincial, national, and international arenas to introduce the concepts and methods developed in anthropology to the field of research and clinical practice in psychiatry.