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A new study by Johanne Renaud, from the Douglas Institute, shows the need to better coordinate mental health services for young people.
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Lynne McVey pleads a better access to mental health services
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An editorial paper by Alain Brunet shows strong links between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD) and suicide in soldiers.
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The number of days an expectant mother was deprived of electricity during Quebec’s Ice Storm predicts the epigenetic profile of her child.
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Sunday was World Alheimer's Day. Two of our researchers just recieved a Brain Canada grant in that field.
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New work by Sylvain Williams and his team sheds light on dynamic mecanisms controlling memory.
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International researchers will talk about sex and gender differences in brain-hormone interactions and thereby better understand stress and its impact on mental health
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The Douglas Mental Health University Institute and McGill University are proud to announce that Dr. Malla and his team will be leading the ACCESS Canada project.
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Clarification on the news series "Pour en finir avec l’itinérance" published by La Presse, June 12, 2014
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Scientists from The Douglas Institute and from McGill University publish new findings within Project Ice Storm.