Section : Mental Health Info
Anxiety is a biological mechanism designed to protect us from dangerous situations. A little anxiety is natural; our reaction to this emotion results in the difference between a pleasant experience and a full-blown panic attack.
Section : Mental Health Info
Most anxiety disorders are treated with cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), medication, or a combination of the two.
Section : Patient care
People are referred to the Outpatient Clinic by the “guichet d’accès” of their CLSC or by other services at the Douglas Institute.
Section : Mental Health Info
Zootherapy, or assisted pet therapy, may be used as a therapeutic tool for people suffering from different illnesses, young and old.
Section : Research
Jorge Armony, PhD conducts research on how the brain detects danger stimuli and how it interacts with consciousness and memory.
Section : News
Douglas Hospital experts discuss how to keep your mind healthy during the season
Section : News
Individuals living with PTSD typically have disturbing intrusive memories, flashbacks, and/or nightmares of the event.
Section : Mental Health Info
How can you help someone who is having a panic attack
Section : Mental Health Info
Je m'appelle Sandra, j'ai 33 ans et je vis à Metz dans l'est de la France. Il y a 1½ an j'ai été victime d'un burn-out. Cet épuisement a été le résultat d'une suridentification et d'un surinvestissement professionnel marqué par le sceau de la précarité et de l'instabilité.