Section : The Douglas
What is repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS)?
Section : Mental Health Info
Are individuals with mental health problems more prone to sleep disorders than others?
Section : Mental Health Info
What is seasonal affective disorder?
Section : Mental Health Info
Can post-partum depression lead to psychosis?
Section : Mental Health Info
What are the signs that a person who has suffered from major depression for many years is developing psychosis?
Section : Mental Health Info
Are there common patterns in delusions, such as conspiracy patterns, etc. and why?
Section : Mental Health Info
What advice would you give a teenager who’s going through depression?
Section : Mental Health Info
How long does it take to treat depression?
Section : Mental Health Info
Does the risk of depression for teens with ADHD decrease if they are on medication?
Section : Mental Health Info
In the case of special needs adolescents who have dyspraxia or a mild intellectual disability, how would depression appear?