March 08, 2010
Section : Mental Health Info

It is estimated that up to 20 percent of Canadian children and youth may be affected by mental illness.

February 26, 2010
Section : Mental Health Info

Becoming a caregiver is not an easy task for family and friends of a loved one with Alzheimer's Disease.

April 22, 2010
Section : Patient care

The Prevention and Early Intervention Program for Psychosis (PEPP-Montréal) is a program for young people who are experiencing an untreated first episode of psychosis.

April 20, 2010
Section : Patient care

The Anxiety Disorders Clinic is a superspecialized (third-line) consultation, assessment and treatment service for people between the ages of 18 and 65 who suffer from one or multiple anxiety disorders.

April 20, 2010
Section : Patient care

The Bipolar Disorders Program is a superspecialized (third-line) consultation and treatment service for adults aged 18 to 65 who suffer from refractory bipolar disorders.

April 20, 2010
Section : Patient care

The Mood, Anxiety and Impulsivity Disorders Program at the Douglas Institute provides care to people aged 18 to 65 years with a mood disorder such as Bipolar disorders or Depressive and suicide disorders.

February 27, 2012
Section : Research

For over two decades, Ellen Corin has worked within provincial, national, and international arenas to introduce the concepts and methods developed in anthropology to the field of research and clinical practice in psychiatry.

September 29, 2009
Section : Research

Aurélie Labbe is a biostatistician who specializes in statistical genetics and genetic epidemiology.

September 29, 2009
Section : Research

Ridha Joober developed a pharmaco-genetic profile of schizophrenia that may lead to earlier diagnosis and more effective treatment.

September 29, 2009
Section : The Douglas

Jean-François Bélair specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of young people aged 13 to 18 who suffer from mental disorders.