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A conference on mental health in Haiti will bring together on Friday and Saturday people from Haiti, the US and Quebec who are passionate about these issues.
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Bruno Giros, professor in the Department of Psychiatry, explained on the air at Radio-Canada how his work on dopamine in the brain opens new avenues.
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From April 28 to May 4, the public will discover some of the great writers who have experienced mental health problems or Alzheimer's disease
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Don’t miss the broadcast of the Mini-Psych School on Canal Savoir from April 14 until July 13.
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The Bell Centre rocked for mental health last night in a special celebration marking Clara Hughes’ passage through Montreal on her Big Ride across Canada for Bell Let’s Talk. Almost 6,000 people came out to enthusiastically
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Parle-moi d’amour at the Wellington Centre raised $ 13,720
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Lynne McVey talks about mental health and litterature
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Lack of sleep in young people: three institutions sound the alarm
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A great Let’s Talk Day for our patients thanks to Bell and the Canadiens
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Brigitte Kieffer receives the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Award