November 18, 2014
Section : News

Friday November 14th was a day of celebration for the Douglas’s Research Center’s Stop-Ad Center.

November 17, 2014
Section : News

On Novembrer 13, Lynne McVey, Executive Director of the Douglas Institute, appeared before the Parliamentary Committee examining Bill 10.

November 03, 2014
Section : News

The Douglas Institute is proud to announce that Michael Meaney, C.M., Ph.D., C.Q., FRSC, is the 2014 laureate of the prestigious prix Wilder-Penfield. 

November 03, 2014
Section : News

Supporting the homeless: the Douglas congratulates Maison du père on its Honourable Mention

October 27, 2014
Section : News

Shalini Lal, PhD, a researcher at the Douglas Institute, is the recipient of the 2014 NARSAD Young Investigator Grant.

October 23, 2014
Section : News

Gift from the Irving Ludmer Family Foundation strengthens unique partnership.

October 14, 2014
Section : News

A new study by Johanne Renaud, from the Douglas Institute, shows the need to better coordinate mental health services for young people. 

October 10, 2014
Section : News

The Douglas Institute is proud to celebrate 70 years of AA in Quebec.

October 06, 2014
Section : News

Lynne McVey  pleads a better access to mental health services

October 02, 2014
Section : News

More than a hundred people celebrate Wellington Centre's 15th birthday