July 29, 2009
Section : News

The Douglas Greenhouse: 25 years of horticultural therapy

July 20, 2009
Section : News

No doubt you know that the Molson family recently purchased the Montreal Canadiens hockey team. But did you know that we have our very own Molson-related news? It all began a few months ago, when Head of Communications, Stéphanie Lassonde,

June 19, 2009
Section : News

The challenges of employee mental health

June 01, 2009
Section : News

In September 2008, a small internal team began developing a prefeasibility study to support the Douglas infrastructure renewal project. On Wednesday, May 20th, our Board of Directors passed a resolution endorsing the study, and approving its submissio

April 06, 2009
Section : News

Canada Post: 72,000 ambassadors strong

March 17, 2009
Section : News

The Douglas Mental Health University Institute is pleased to announce that Accreditation Canada has awarded the Institution unconditional accreditation and that its results are among the best in the country.

December 18, 2008
Section : News

Over the past 2 years, the Douglas has been working on a project to renew its physical infrastructure. This process has been driven by the increasing number of obstacles the aging facilities present to delivering against the organization’s multi

March 07, 2008
Section : News

Douglas Educator Janet Komarnicka has devoted the last thirty years caring for patients with severe mental illness.

December 18, 2007
Section : News

Sleep Initiative -Standard Life Contributes to Further Study and Better Treatments Through Sleep Disorders Research

June 20, 2007
Section : News

The Douglas Institute launched a massive two-year “Go Green” campaign to radically reduce Douglas “environmental footprint” and increase energy efficiency.