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On October 14, 2007, the Douglas opened its first Brief Intervention Unit.
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Le soutien à l'emploi régulier pour les personnes qui ont des troubles mentaux graves: traitement ou réadaptation?
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Douglas Educator Janet Komarnicka has devoted the last thirty years caring for patients with severe mental illness.
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The Douglas protocol on the Use of Control Measures has been recently updated, based on the Institute’s changing needs.
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Stressed about Starting High School ? Douglas pilots program to help children and teens adapt
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Recognizing Talented Wellington Centre Artists.
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Over her thirty-year career, Rose's feistiness and optimism have certainly made things "better" for the Montréal community.
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Improved treatments may be on the way for some 280,000 Canadians with Alzheimer’s disease.
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Dementia: Let us not forget-Douglas discusses Alzheimer’s disease.
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Chaque époque génère une violence qui lui est propre. L’homicide-suicide, le phénomène des kamikazes, les fusillades collectives, particulièrement dans les lieux d’enseignement, constituent un ph&e