Section : News
Genetic findings in anorexia and bulimia: genetic predisposition and external variables play an important role.
December 07, 2014
Section : Social Media
Au printemps dernier, Dove surprenait une fois de plus avec deux publicités à grand déploiement. Les femmes, le sport et la faible estime de soi. Des éléments qui génèrent habituellement beaucoup de visibilité sur le Web. Des centaines de maillots de bain et paires d’espadrilles accrochées sur des panneaux d’affichage pour rappeler aux femmes l’importance [...]
Section : Mental Health Info
Are we seeing eating disorders and body image problems in other cultures besides North Americans?
Section : Mental Health Info
Are more men dissatisfied with their bodies too?
Section : Mental Health Info
How does menopause affect sleep?
Section : Mental Health Info
Are there gender differences in Alzheimer’s disease?
Section : Mental Health Info
Are the statistics for depression different for children who come from immigrant families?
Section : Mental Health Info
Can women continue taking antidepressants while pregnant?
Section : Mental Health Info
What is the cause of post-partum disorder or depression and can someone completely recover from it?
Section : Mental Health Info
If I am happy with my body now as a teen, do I still have a risk to getting anorexia or bulimia when I am older?