Section : Mental Health Info
Sleep and children: the impact of lack of sleep on daily life
Section : Mental Health Info
Brains need love to function and develop well. Here are ways to give it!
Section : Mental Health Info
Sleep disorders in children.
Section : Mental Health Info
2010 Session of the Douglas Institute Mini-Psych School.
Section : The Douglas
The team of researchers working on suicide among aboriginal people studies.
Section : The Douglas
MGSS is studying the molecular and cellular changes taking place in the brains of individuals that become depressed and commit suicide.
Section : The Douglas
Directed by N.M.K. Ng Ying Kin, PhD, the laboratory measures putative biological markers for various psychiatric conditions and treatment-resistance to usual medications.
Section : The Douglas
The MGSS is made up of independent investigators, research associates, graduate PhD and MSc level students, and research collaborators.
Section : The Douglas
Directed by Véronique Bohbot, PhD, the laboratory focuses on the multiple brain areas involved in processing episodic memories (spatio-temporal information) during navigation.