Section : Patient care
The Program for Dementia with Psychiatric Comorbidity (PDCP) provides superspecialized care to people of all ages who have mild to severe cognitive impairments combined with psychiatric or behavioural disorders.
Section : Patient care
There are three external service points in the geriatric psychiatry program.
Section : Patient care
Outpatient clinics for children 18 and undre include the Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD) Diagnostic Clinic, the Depressive Disorders Clinic and the Child Psychiatry Outpatient Clinic.
Section : Patient care
The Child Psychiatry Program at the Douglas Institute offers a range of bilingual services to youth aged 0 to 17 years and their families.
Section : Education
Fellowships provide support for senior residents who wish to add to their experience by engaging in mental health research and related activities in the Institute. Candidacy must be approved by the Chair of Psychiatry.
Section : Education
The Douglas shares its knowledge with students, staff members, researchers, mental health professionals, workers, and the general public.
Section : Research
For over two decades, Ellen Corin has worked within provincial, national, and international arenas to introduce the concepts and methods developed in anthropology to the field of research and clinical practice in psychiatry.
Section : The Douglas
As the professional chief of psychology , Margaret Peggy O'Byrne is responsible for evaluating the quality of professional acts of psychologists.
Section : The Douglas
Profile of Willine Rozefort, Acting Director of Professional and Hospital Services, Douglas Institute
Section : Research
Ashok Malla is an international leader in the development of programs for, and research in, early intervention in psychosis.