March 12, 2010
Section : News

Launch of the construction work of the brain imaging centre.

March 11, 2010
Section : News

The mysteries surrounding the brain will be uncovered during Brain Awareness Week 2010.

January 15, 2010
Section : News

Michael Meaney, Moshe Szyf and Gustavo Turecki honoured for their work in epigenetics.

November 01, 2009
Section : News

Researchers at the Douglas redefine the role of a region of the brain associated with organizing memory.

October 22, 2009
Section : News

Did you know? The philanthropy of our employees is essential to the Douglas’ mission. Your gifts represent one third of all individual donations raised by the Foundation. As Douglas employees, you are part of the Douglas Family. Your

October 01, 2009
Section : News

The Foundation supports 33 researchers, nearly half of the 67 researchers working at the Douglas. In 2008–2009, members of the Research Centre published 215 scientific papers, book chapters and books documenting scientific breakthroughs and ther

September 14, 2009
Section : News

20M$ for a new brain imaging centre at the Douglas Institute.

July 16, 2009
Section : News

Kimberly joined the Douglas as a Communications Consultant three years ago to assist with the efforts to secure an okay from the government to build a new facility.

July 10, 2009
Section : News

McGill-Oxford partnership in neuroscience: Douglas Institute Researchers’ Excellence called upon.

June 26, 2009
Section : News

In April, Naguib Mechawar, PhD, Director of the Quebec Brain Bank, took part in a report that aired on Daily Planet, the daily science show of Discovery Channel Canada. The Daily Planet team came to Montreal to film at the Douglas Institute. The r