Section : News
Douglas team educates children about good bedtime habits.
Section : News
The holiday season is fast approaching with joyful visions of sugarplum fairies and family celebrations. However, for some individuals, particularly those struggling with mental illnesses, the season brings visions of worry and anxiety. Researchers an
Section : News
New research from the Douglas shows benefits of indulging moms Debating how best to treat mom this Mother’s Day? Try something that helps her relax. New research from the Douglas Hospital Research Centre in Montreal, Canada, suggests mothers
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Breastfeeding: Soothes Baby and Mom: the breastfeeding women respond less to stressful situations.
Section : News
Musings from the mind: experts at the Douglas Institut address mental health issues.
Section : News
Important research results were discussed during the "Mother and Infant: Perinatal Influences on Health" symposium.
Section : Mental Health Info
Can someone develop ADHD or attention problems because of an inadequate environment, parental negligence, or understimulation during childhood?
Section : Mental Health Info
What comes first in psychotic disorders: the brain abnormalities or the clinical manifestations?
Section : Mental Health Info
Is it possible to diagnose an 8-year-old child with schizophrenia? Can schizophrenia be detected in children? And if so, how might the treatment of a schizophrenic child differ from that of an adult?
Section : Patient care
Current services program: reception, Info-Santé, current services, mental health services. Family, child, and youth programs: infant maternal care (SMI), youth health, family support. Home services program. Outpatient and geriatric psychiatry teams. Languages: French and English.