Section : Mental Health Info
Why was aluminium thought to be a factor in Alzheimer's Disease?
Section : Mental Health Info
Is there a link between mad cow disease and Alzheimer's?
Section : Mental Health Info
What about propanolol for treating anxiety?
Section : Mental Health Info
I've read that patients suffering from schizophrenia have high levels of dopamine. Are high dopamine levels the cause of schizophrenia or a consequence?
Section : Mental Health Info
What do you think of the use of natural products like St. John's Wort to treat moderate anxiety and depression?
Section : Mental Health Info
Do we tend to have more phobia/anxiety with age? Are we a little more phobic and anxious than we were 10 years ago?
Section : Mental Health Info
Is it possible to diagnose an 8-year-old child with schizophrenia? Can schizophrenia be detected in children? And if so, how might the treatment of a schizophrenic child differ from that of an adult?
Section : Mental Health Info
If some phobias are evolutionary in nature, why are people afraid of modern objects like airplanes, elevators, and escalators?
Section : Mental Health Info
Is electric shock therapy still used and, if so, what are the risks associated with it?
Section : Mental Health Info
Could someone who is depressed heal over time on their own?