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Over her thirty-year career, Rose's feistiness and optimism have certainly made things "better" for the Montréal community.
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Douglas Hospital and Research Centre become Douglas Mental Health University Institute.
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Explore your brain with the experts during the upcoming Brain Awareness Week (March 12-16).
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Des gens qui aident les autres: le Douglas débute une initiative de soutien par les pairs
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Improved treatments may be on the way for some 280,000 Canadians with Alzheimer’s disease.
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In November 2006, Rémi Quirion, PhD, FRSC, CQ, Scientific Director of the Douglas Hospital Research Centre, attended the 140th anniversary ceremony of the Sun Yat-sen University.
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Taking advantage of the latest technology individuals can now not only watch and listen to the classes (video and audio) by going to , but they can also subscribe to the Mini-Psych podcast and add it to their player.
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“The only time I feel alive is when I’m painting,” said Vincent van Gogh. This sentiment is one that the Douglas Hospital is hoping to convey by the addition of three new structures to its Sculpture Garden. These works of art,
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To commemorate its 125th anniversary, the Douglas is launching a mini-site: In keeping with this festive occasion, the site features facts, historical anecdotes and personality profiles — riveting accounts of people’
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Montréal, June 26, 2006 – Today is a landmark day for the Douglas Hospital. Mr. Henri-François Gautrin, Minister of Government Services and MNA for Verdun, on behalf of the Minister of Health and Social Services, Mr. Philippe Couil