Section : Social Media
A 2008 lecture by Bruno Giros, PhD, on the most recent advances in neuroscience in mental health (in French).
Section : News
As the Holidays approach, the healthcare and social services establishments across Montréal are pulling together to remind the public of tips to use, of the resources available in the community, and of the steps to follow before going to a hospital em
Section : News
The Douglas Institute and ACCESS are proud to host the first ACCESS network meeting on April 1st and April 2nd.
Section : News
A long-term study examines the actions and experiences of individuals declared not criminally responsible.
Section : News
Lets work together to prevent suicide.
Section : News
Friday November 14th was a day of celebration for the Douglas’s Research Center’s Stop-Ad Center.
Section : News
Shalini Lal, PhD, a researcher at the Douglas Institute, is the recipient of the 2014 NARSAD Young Investigator Grant.
Section : News
Gift from the Irving Ludmer Family Foundation strengthens unique partnership.
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A new study by Johanne Renaud, from the Douglas Institute, shows the need to better coordinate mental health services for young people.
Section : News
Douglas Institute meets with its partners in Nunavik