Section : News
Clinical staff and researchers who enjoyed the 2002-4 Research Forum Series will be pleased to hear that it has been revived…and updated. Starting in March 2006, the Case Studies Forum Series will be launched in Douglas Hall with the first pr
Section : News
Highs and Lows: Douglas Hospital discusses bipolar disorders
Section : News
Anxiety Disorders Explained at the 2005 "Frames of Mind" series.
Section : The Douglas
How will Douglas identify the clients to be transferred to the Centres de santé et de services sociaux?
Section : The Douglas
How will the Mental Health Action Plan affect patients who are currently receiving treatment at the Douglas Institute?
Section : The Douglas
How may I apply for a position?
Section : Mental Health Info
Are autism and ADHD related?
Section : Mental Health Info
How do you know whether someone really has ADHD and not some other kind of psychological distress or family problems?
Section : Mental Health Info
Is it possible to detect bipolarity in children and if so, from what age?
Section : Career
The Outpatient Clinic offers assessment and specialized treatment services in nursing, neuropsychology, psychology, occupational therapy, and social intervention as well as pharmacological and therapeutic follow-up for people 65 years and older or adu