Section : Mental Health Info
Is there an alternative treatment to Ritalin that could be effective without such side effects?
Section : Mental Health Info
What is the effectiveness of natural or homeopathic products?
Section : Mental Health Info
How do you know whether someone really has ADHD and not some other kind of psychological distress or family problems?
Section : Mental Health Info
At what age does the relationship between ADHD and borderline personality disorder appear?
Section : Mental Health Info
What are the long-term effects of Concerta and Ritalin, and how are doses reduced?
Section : Mental Health Info
Is it possible to detect bipolarity in children and if so, from what age?
Section : Mental Health Info
How do you compromise between looking good and being healthy?
Section : Mental Health Info
What is the relationship between marijuana use and bipolar disorder?
Section : Mental Health Info
Once a patient has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and given appropriate medication, when should psychotherapy be started?
Section : Mental Health Info
Is it true that mindfulness-meditation has been used as a therapy for bipolar disorder?