October 30, 2012
Section : News

A delegation of mental health stakeholders from France came to the Douglas to discover the Institute's initiatives in recovery and education in mental health.

October 18, 2012
Section : News

The Conseil québécois d’agrément (CQA) awarded the Douglas Institute with Milieu Novateur certification.

October 08, 2012
Section : News

Nomination > Dr. Suzane Renaud was inaugurated as President of the Canadian Psychiatric Association.

October 05, 2012
Section : News

Sleep and sleep disorders > Diane Boivin wrote a fascinating health guide on sleep with a special focus on night shift workers and new mothers

October 02, 2012
Section : News

Investing in mental health > Lynne McVey meets with partners during the Canadian Academy of Psychiatric Epidemiology (CAPE) Annual Scientific Symposium

September 06, 2012
Section : News

Mini-Psych School 2012 – Gaining the Power to Understand, Prevent and Help

August 14, 2012
Section : News

Recovery: two important documents now available in French

July 24, 2012
Section : News

Wellington Centre > Its mission is to have users actively participate in their own journey towards recovery, with the help of peer experts.

July 05, 2012
Section : News

The Quebec Charter for a Healthy and Diverse Body Image > Two and a half years after its inception,  it is shaping public perception.

May 15, 2012
Section : News

Brain Imaging Centre > Inaugurated May 14, this is the first brain imaging centre in Quebec dedicated to psychiatry and mental health.