Section : Mental Health Info
Are individuals with mental health problems more prone to sleep disorders than others?
Section : Mental Health Info
Do we develop schizophrenia or we are born with it?
Section : Mental Health Info
Research suggests that we should separate positive schizophrenia symptoms from negative ones. Is this a good idea?
Section : Mental Health Info
Is it safe to say that schizophrenia is always characterized by psychosis?
Section : Mental Health Info
What are the conditions that may prevent someone with a psychotic disorder from recovering or functioning on a daily basis?
Section : Mental Health Info
Is being transgender/homosexual a mental illness?When it comes to sexual aspects, psychiatry has not had a brilliant history. Homosexuality was considered a disease up to the 1970’s, and it even used to be a classification in the Diagnostic and
Section : Mental Health Info
My son was diagnosed with schizophrenia, and my daughter, who is expecting a baby, is worried about the baby’s mental health. Are there signs or symptoms that we need to watch out for?
Section : Mental Health Info
If you have a family history of psychosis, what can you do to prevent developing it yourself?
Section : Mental Health Info
Do we know why some patients don’t gain any insight into their illness, especially in paranoid schizophrenia?
Section : Mental Health Info
What comes first in psychotic disorders: the brain abnormalities or the clinical manifestations?