Section : Mental Health Info
Find out what causes bipolar disorders and watch video presentations from experts
Section : Mental Health Info
Understanding eating disorders and their causes is essential to preventing and treating them.
Section : Mental Health Info
People with Attention Deficit Disorder with or without hyperactivity (ADHD) struggle to focus, sit still, or restrain their impulses.
Section : Mental Health Info
Causes and treatments of psychosis, a syndrome associated with a variety of mental, behavioural and emotional problems.
Section : Mental Health Info
It is estimated that up to 20 percent of Canadian children and youth may be affected by mental illness.
Section : Mental Health Info
Alzheimer's Disease : Causes, symptoms and evolution
Section : Patient care
The Geriatric Psychiatry Program at the Douglas Institute provides services to clients aged 65 and older and to adults younger than 65 with a geriatric profile. The program covers psychiatric diagnoses such as: mood disorders anxiety di
Section : Patient care
The Severe Disruptive Disorders Program offers a range of superspecialized services for children aged 6 to 12 years with behaviour problems with or without an attention deficit disorder / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Section : Research
Antoine Adamantidis, PhD, is interested in the underlying neural mechanism for wakefulness or vigilance states.
Section : Research
Florian Storch explores explores the biological role of circadian clocks, internal timers that generate rhythms of 24 hours.