Section : The Douglas
Directed by Reut Gruber, PhD, this multidisciplinary unit studies the interplay between sleep and the cognitive, behavioural and emotional development of children.dr
Section : Patient care
The Geriatric Psychiatry Program at the Douglas Institute provides services to clients aged 65 and older and to adults younger than 65 with a geriatric profile. The program covers psychiatric diagnoses such as: mood disorders anxiety di
Section : Research
Reut Gruber examines the association between sleep and attention in children and adolescents and the genetics of sleep.
Section : Research
Florian Storch explores explores the biological role of circadian clocks, internal timers that generate rhythms of 24 hours.
Section : News
Might living a structured life with regularly established meal times lead to a better life and perhaps even prevent the onset of mental illness?
Section : News
Thomas Brown, Ph.D., is studying the psychology of repeat offenders in order to implement policies that will help prevent accidents
Section : News
Sleep deprivation in youth > More attention needs to be dedicated to the health issues involved.
Section : News
Better to keep sleep disruptions to a minimum for kids over the holiday
Section : News
Sleep: the New Wonder Drug for Higher Academic Performance.
Section : News
Douglas team educates children about good bedtime habits.