July 29, 2011
Section : The Douglas

Martin Lepage team is currently working on these clinically-based research projects.

July 02, 2014
Section : Social Media

Watch the 2013 Mini-Psych School's presentation of Valentina Munoz, Ph.D. on anxiety disorders.

September 11, 2014
Section : Mental Health Info

This fall, Mini-Psych School will be about: Mental health 3.0 : Learning to reconnect with reality

January 04, 2012
Section : Mental Health Info

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), includes two official Eating Disorder (ED) syndromes: Anorexia Nervosa (AN) and Bulimia Nervosa (BN). A third diagnosis, Binge Eating Disorder (BED)  is almost certain to be reco

July 03, 2013
Section : The Douglas

Intensive Case Management is intended for people with a serious mental illness

January 04, 2013
Section : Patient care

This conference is the largest and the most complete conference on this topic held in Canada since the IEPA in 2004.

November 21, 2012
Section : The Douglas

This is a list of all the publications produced by the CIHR Team in Social and Psychiatric Epidemiology

September 29, 2011
Section : Mental Health Info

Between head and heart > Mini-Psych School 2011 classes now available online. A video will be published every week.

May 19, 2011
Section : The Douglas

Internships and thesis projects Our research project offers many opportunities for graduate internships or thesis projects. Here is a list of ongoing thesis projects: Student: André Ngamini Ngui Academic Program: PhD, Applied Human Sciences

May 19, 2011
Section : The Douglas

The CIHR Team in Social and Psychiatric Epidemiology gratefully acknowledges the 2,433 participants of the longitudinal survey.