Section : Social Media
Everyone is at risk of experiencing trauma. Is there a "normal" way to react? People indeed respond to traumatic events in multiple ways. But why are some of us able to deal with the emotional shock and go on to live functional lives while others are paralyzed with the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder? Lecturer: Camillo Zacchia, PhD, Psychologist, Senior Advisor, Mental Health Education Office, Douglas Institute
Section : The Douglas
Researchers at the Douglas Brain Imaging Center (BIC) use several brain imaging methods, including MRI scanners, to non-invasively understand the brain structure and functions that are altered by mental illnesses. The Douglas Institute’s Brain
Section : The Douglas
The effects of altered gene expression (transgenic, knock-out or knock-in animals) on the function of the central nervous system are complex and require extensive characterization using the appropriate behavioural tests. The Neurophenotyping service p
Section : The Douglas
Morris Water Maze Test couramment utilisé pour évaluer l'apprentissage et la mémoire spatiale. Le rongeur est placé dans un bassin d'eau dans lequel se trouve une plateforme. Il doit apprendre à utiliser des indices spatiaux situés dans la pièce po
Section : The Douglas
Elevated Plus Maze C'est le test par excellence pour mesurer l'anxiété chez les rongeurs. Il est aussi couramment utilisé pour tester différents anxiolytiques, anciens et nouveaux. Le test crée un conflit approche-évitement entre l'envie naturelle d'
Section : The Douglas
Economic analyses Eric Latimer A cost analysis was performed to evaluate the impact of the HF programs, considering all costs incurred by participants. On average, the intervention cost $22,482 per person per year for high need participants
Section : The Douglas
The final report of the At Home/Chez Soi Project can accessed via the Mental Health Commission of Canada webpage The project yielded three key conclusions. 1. The Housing First approach is feasible in Montreal. The housing team found 73 landlords lo
Section : Mental Health Info
This fall, Mini-Psych School will be about: Mental health 3.0 : Learning to reconnect with reality
Section : Mental Health Info
Sophie Grégoire, ambassador of the 2013 Mini-Psych School , invites you to explore women's mental health.