Section : The Douglas
Natasha Rajah's research team uses brain imaging to examine the neural substrates of learning and memory in healthy young adults.
Section : The Douglas
The lab is using imaging techniques to identify intermediate phenotypes relevant for psychiatric disorders as target phenotypes for gene discovery.
Section : The Douglas
The lab uses functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study the neural bases of human emotional processing.
Section : The Douglas
The team is studying the determinants of psychological distress in 258,000 residents of southwest Montreal, in order to optimize mental health services in the community.
Section : The Douglas
Researchers at the Centre for Study and treatment of circadian rythms.
Section : The Douglas
Investigators at the Centre conduct multidisciplinary research on human circadian rhythms (daily rhythmic events) and sleep.
Section : Patient care
Since its creation in 1986, the Eating Disorders Program (EDP) has offered specialized clinical services for people 18 years and older who suffer from anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa.
Section : Patient care
A multidisciplinary team Ashok Malla, MD, FRCPC, psychiatrist, director, PEPP-Montréal Ridha Joober, MD, PhD, psychiatrist, assistant director, PEPP-Montréal Evangeline Smith, clinical-administrative chief, PEPP-Montréal
Section : Patient care
The Severe Disruptive Disorders Program offers a range of superspecialized services for children aged 6 to 12 years with behaviour problems with or without an attention deficit disorder / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Section : Education
Fellowships provide support for senior residents who wish to add to their experience by engaging in mental health research and related activities in the Institute. Candidacy must be approved by the Chair of Psychiatry.