Section : Research
Michel Perreault's main focus is the evaluation of psychiatric and substance abuse programs.
Section : News
The Douglas Institute has a poetry slam, a blog on advertising and mental health, and lectures all on tap during Mental Health Week 2013
Section : News
Voici maintenant quatre mois que je suis revenu d'Angleterre. Je dresse ici un bilan des expériences anglaises dont, il me semble, le Québec pourrait s'inspirer.
Section : News
Le traitement pour les "doubles diagnostics": maladie mentale + abus de substances (in French)
Section : News
People with mental illness tend to have more physical illness than those without mental illness.
Section : The Douglas
Who benefits from an ACT team?
Section : Mental Health Info
Since 2009, psychologists can assess mental disorders, including ADHD.
Section : Social Media