Section : The Douglas
If you wish to verify the severity of your post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Alain Brunet’s team is offering a psychological evaluation, free of charge.
Section : Research
Duncan Pedersen studies how societies impact the mental health of their citizens. His work focuses on Latin America.
Section : The Douglas
The Communications Department is available to help members of the media get the best information or data for reports, interviews or documentaries.
Section : The Douglas
Team members of the Mental Health and Society Research Group
August 27, 2010
Section : Mental Health Info
Stress during pregnancy is also a risk factor that may have significant consequences for the developing fetus.
Section : The Douglas
Program of the International Conference on the internet and mental health organized at the Douglas Institute.
Section : The Douglas
Research projects of the Bipolar Disorders Program Research Group.
Section : The Douglas
The lab is interested in the effects of stress on the aging process and in individual differences in stress responsivity.
Section : The Douglas
The lab uses functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study the neural bases of human emotional processing.
Section : Mental Health Info
Understanding eating disorders and their causes is essential to preventing and treating them.