April 26, 2010
Section : The Douglas

In 1982, after consultation with the Canadian government, the Director-General of WHO designates the Douglas Mental Health University Institute as the first Collaborating Centre for research and training in mental health in Canada.

April 26, 2010
Section : The Douglas

The Montreal WHO/PAHO Collaborating Centre: Striving to improve access to mental health care around the world.

February 02, 2010
Section : News

The Montreal WHO/PAHO Collaborating Centre has been mandated  to do a mental health reconnaissance mission in Haiti.

June 25, 2015
Section : The Douglas

Bla bla sur l'axe   Projet 1: ejfwoajfeiowajeio (lien internet) Projet 2: eofjwia (lien interenet) autres activites: feiwajfowaj

August 16, 2013
Section : The Douglas

Discover what makes the Douglas a unique and world-class institute.

November 21, 2012
Section : The Douglas

The Douglas Mental Health University Institute offers cutting-edge care and services and advance and share knowledge in mental health.

February 19, 2025
Section : The Douglas

Team members of the Mental Health and Society Research Group

July 08, 2010
Section : The Douglas

CIHR Team in transdisciplinary studies in DWI onset, persistence, prevention and treatment.

March 10, 2010
Section : Mental Health Info

Depression in young people is considered a disorder when feelings of sadness, emptiness, etc. last for many days and significantly impair life.

April 05, 2010
Section : The Douglas

The team is studying the determinants of psychological distress in 258,000 residents of southwest Montreal, in order to optimize mental health services in the community.