Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Mood, Anxiety and Impulsivity-Related Disorders Research


Pradhan A. A., Smith M. L., Kieffer B., Evans C. J. (2012). Ligand-directed signalling within the opioid receptor family, Br J Pharmacol, 167(5), 960-9. Find out more.

Ramasubbu R., Beaulieu S., Taylor V. H., Schaffer A., McIntyre R. S. (2012). The CANMAT task force recommendations for the management of patients with mood disorders and comorbid medical conditions: diagnostic, assessment, and treatment principles, Ann Clin Psychiatry, 24(1), 82-90. Find out more.

Ramasubbu R., Taylor V. H., Saaman Z., Sockalingham S., Li M., Patten S., Rodin G., Schaffer A., Beaulieu S., McIntyre R. S. (2012). The Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) task force recommendations for the management of patients with mood disorders and select comorbid medical conditions, Ann Clin Psychiatry, 24(1), 91-109. Find out more.

Reiss D., Prinssen E. P., Wichmann J., Kieffer B., Ouagazzal A. M. (2012). The nociceptin orphanin FQ peptide receptor agonist, Ro64-6198, impairs recognition memory formation through interaction with glutamatergic but not cholinergic receptor antagonists, Neurobiol Learn Mem, 98(3), 254-60. Find out more.

Renaud J., Dumitrescu L. (2012). Les jeunes et la santé mentale au Québec : organisation des services. État de situation sur la santé mentale au Québec et réponse du système de santé et des services sociaux, , 153-157.

Renaud S., Corbalan F., Beaulieu S. (2012). Differential diagnosis of bipolar affective disorder type II and borderline personality disorder: analysis of the affective dimension, , 53(7), 952-961. Find out more.

Rezai X., Faget L., Bednarek E., Schwab Y., Kieffer B., Massotte D. (2012). Mouse delta opioid receptors are located on presynaptic afferents to hippocampal pyramidal cells, Cell Mol Neurobiol, 32(4), 509-16. Find out more.

Richard-Devantoy S., Jollant F. (2012). [Suicide in the elderly: age-related specificities?], Santé Ment Qué, 37(2), 151-73. Find out more.

Richard-Devantoy S., Jollant F., Kefi Z., Turecki G., Olie J.P., Annweiler C., Beauchet O., Le Gall D. (2012). Deficit of cognitive inhibition in depressed elderly: a neurocognitive marker of suicidal risk, J Affect Disord, 140(2), 193-9. Find out more.

Rodgers R. F., Franko D. L., Brunet A., Herbert C. F., Bui E. (2012). Disordered eating following exposure to television and internet coverage of the March 2011 Japan earthquake, Int J Eat Disord, 45(7), 845-9. Find out more.

Rosales-Lagarde A., Armony J., Del Rio-Portilla Y., Trejo-Martinez D., Conde R., Corsi-Cabrera M. (2012). Enhanced emotional reactivity after selective REM sleep deprivation in humans: an fMRI study, Front Behav Neurosci, 6, 25. Find out more.

Rosenbluth M., Macqueen G., McIntyre R. S., Beaulieu S., Schaffer A. (2012). The Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) task force recommendations for the management of patients with mood disorders and comorbid personality disorders, Ann Clin Psychiatry, 24(1), 56-68. Find out more.

Schaffer A., McIntosh D., Goldstein B. I., Rector N. A., McIntyre R. S., Beaulieu S., Swinson R., Yatham L. N. (2012). The CANMAT task force recommendations for the management of patients with mood disorders and comorbid anxiety disorders, Ann Clin Psychiatry, 24(1), 6-22. Find out more.

Sehn F., Chachamovich E., Vidor L. P., Dall-Agnol L., de Souza I. C., Torres I. L., Fregni F., Caumo W. (2012). Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Brazilian Portuguese Version of the Pain Catastrophizing Scale, Pain Med, 13(11), 1425-1435. Find out more.

Shechter A., Lesperance P., Ying Kin N., Boivin D. (2012). Nocturnal polysomnographic sleep across the menstrual cycle in premenstrual dysphoric disorder, Sleep Med, 13(8), 1071-1078. Find out more.

Shechter A., Lesperance P., Ying Kin N., Boivin D. (2012). Pilot Investigation of the Circadian Plasma Melatonin Rhythm across the Menstrual Cycle in a Small Group of Women with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, PLoS One, 7(12), e51929. Find out more.

Sindi S., Juster R.P., Wan N., Nair N., Ying Kin N., Lupien S.J. (2012). Depressive symptoms, cortisol, and cognition during human aging: the role of negative aging perceptions, Stress, 15(2), 130-137. Find out more.

Smalheiser N. R., Lugli G., Rizavi H. S., Torvik V. I., Turecki G., Dwivedi Y. (2012). MicroRNA expression is down-regulated and reorganized in prefrontal cortex of depressed suicide subjects, PLoS One, 7(3), e33201. Find out more.

St-Jacques B., Ma W. (2012). Prostaglandin E2/EP4 signalling facilitates EP4 receptor externalization in primary sensory neurons in vitro and in vivo, Pain. Find out more.

Steiger H., Gauvin L., Joober R., Israël M., Badawi G., Groleau P., Bruce K.R., Ying Kin N., Sycz L., Ouelette A.S. (2012). Interaction of the BcII glucocorticoid receptor polymorphism and childhood abuse in bulimia nervosa (BN): Relationship to BN and to associated trait manifestations, J Psychiatr Res, 46(2), 152-158. Find out more.

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