Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Mood, Anxiety and Impulsivity-Related Disorders Research


Boivin D., James F. O., Wu A., Cho-Park P. F., Xiong H., Sun Z. S. (2003). Circadian clock genes oscillate in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells, Blood , 102 (12 ), 4143-5.

Boivin D., Santo J. B. (2003). Circadian rythm sleep disorders related to an abnormal escape of the sleep-wake cycle . In Billiard M. (Ed.) , Sleep: Physiology, Investigations, and Medicine (pp. 493-512). Kluwer-Academic Press.

Boksa P., Luheshi G. (2003). On the use of animal modeling to study maternal infection during pregnancy and prenatal cytokine exposure as risk factors for schizophrenia, Clin Neurosci Res , 3 (4-5 ), 339-346.

Brillet K., Kieffer B., Massotte D. (2003). Enhanced spontaneous activity of the mu opioid receptor by cysteine mutations: characterization of a tool for inverse agonist screening, BMC Pharmacol, 3, 14. Find out more.

Brown T., Topp J., Ross D. (2003). Rationales, obstacles and strategies for local outcome monitoring systems in substance abuse treatment settings, J Subst Abuse Treat , 24 (1 ), 31-42.

Bruce K.R., Koerner N. M., Steiger H., Young S. N. (2003). Laxative misuse and behavioral disinhibition in bulimia nervosa, Int J Eat Disord , 33 (1 ), 92-7.

Brunet A., St-Hilaire A., Jehel L., King S. (2003). Validation of a French version of the impact of event scale-revised, Can J Psychiatry , 48 (1 ), 56-61.

Castane A., Robledo P., Matifas A., Kieffer B., Maldonado R. (2003). Cannabinoid withdrawal syndrome is reduced in double mu and delta opioid receptor knockout mice, Eur J Neurosci, 17(1), 155-9. Find out more.

Cermakian N., Boivin D. (2003). A molecular perspective of human circadian rhythm disorders, Brain Res Brain Res Rev , 42 (3 ), 204-20.

Cermakian N., Pando M. P., Doi M., Cardone L., Yujnovsky I., Morse D., Sassone-Corsi P. (2003). On the communication pathways between the central pacemaker and peripheral oscillators, Novartis Found Symp , 253 , 126-136; discussion 136-139.

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Decaillot F. M., Befort K., Filliol D., Yue S., Walker P., Kieffer B. (2003). Opioid receptor random mutagenesis reveals a mechanism for G protein-coupled receptor activation, Nat Struct Biol, 10(8), 629-36. Find out more.

Desautels A., Turecki G., Montplaisir J., Brisebois K., Desautels A. K., Adam B., Rouleau G. A. (2003). Analysis of CAG repeat expansions in restless legs syndrome, Sleep , 26 (8 ), 1055-7.

Desautels A., Turecki G., Montplaisir J., Rochefort D., Rouleau G. A. (2003). Mutational analysis of neurotensin in familial RLS, Mov Disord , 19 , 90-94.

Deschamps S., Woodside B., Walker C. (2003). Pups presence eliminates the stress hyporesponsiveness of early lactating females to a psychological stress representing a threat to the pups, J Neuroendocrinol , 15 (5 ), 486-97.

Dongier M. (2003). What treatment options exist for alcohol abuse?, J Psychiatry Neurosci , 28 (1 ), 80.

Dongier M., Brown T. (2003). Nursing research and alcohol problems: learning from recent history?, Can J Nurs Res , 35 (1 ), 13-22.

Dupre N., Verlaan D. J., Hand C. K., Laurent S. B., Turecki G., Davenport W. J., Acciarri N., Dichgans J., Ohkuma A., Siegel A. M., Rouleau G. A. (2003). Linkage to the CCM2 locus and genetic heterogeneity in familial cerebral cavernous malformation, Can J Neurol Sci , 30 (2 ), 122-8.

Fleck M. P., Chachamovich E., Trentini C. M. (2003). [WHOQOL-OLD Project: method and focus group results in Brazil], Rev Saude Publica, 37(6), 793-9. Find out more.

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