Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Mood, Anxiety and Impulsivity-Related Disorders Research


Boivin D., James F. O. (2002). Phase-dependent effect of room light exposure in a 5-h advance of the sleep-wake cycle: implications for jet lag, J Biol Rhythms, 17(3), 266-76.

Brown T., Seraganian P., Tremblay J., Annis H. (2002). Process and outcome changes with relapse prevention versus 12-Step aftercare programs for substance abusers, Addiction, 97(6), 677-89.

Brown T., Seraganian P., Tremblay J., Annis H. (2002). Matching substance abuse aftercare treatments to client characteristics, Addict Behav, 27(4), 585-604.

Brunet A. (2002). Complications thérapeutiques suite au traitement EMDR chez un vétéran traumatisé. [Therapeutic complications with a traumatised veteran using EMDR], Journal International de Victimologie, 1(1).

Brunet A., Birmes P. (2002). Psychopathologie des réactions précoces après un événement traumatique, Annales Médico-Psychologiques, 160, 461-463.

Brunet A., Holowka D. W., Laurence J. R. (2002). Dissociation: A Primer, Trauma News, 10, 3-5.

Brunet A., Holowka D., Laurence J. R. (2002). Dissociative Phenomena . In Aminoff M. J. & Daroff R. B. (Eds.) , Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences . Academic Press.

Cermakian N., Pando M. P., Thompson C. L., Pinchak A. B., Selby C. P., Gutierrez L., Wells D. E., Cahill G. M., Sancar A., Sassone-Corsi P. (2002). Light induction of a vertebrate clock gene involves signaling through blue-light receptors and MAP kinases, Curr Biol, 12(10), 844-8.

Cermakian N., Sassone-Corsi P. (2002). Environmental stimulus perception and control of circadian clocks, Curr Opin Neurobiol, 12(4), 359-65.

Champagne D., Dupuy J. B., Rochford J., Poirier J. (2002). Apolipoprotein E knockout mice display procedural deficits in the Morris water maze: analysis of learning strategies in three versions of the task, Neuroscience, 114(3), 641-54.

Contarino A., Picetti R., Matthes H. W., Koob G. F., Kieffer B., Gold L. H. (2002). Lack of reward and locomotor stimulation induced by heroin in mu-opioid receptor-deficient mice, Eur J Pharmacol, 446(1-3), 103-9. Find out more.

Dai X., Thavundayil J., Gianoulakis C. (2002). Differences in the responses of the pituitary beta-endorphin and cardiovascular system to ethanol and stress as a function of family history, Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 26(8), 1171-80.

Dai X., Thavundayil J., Gianoulakis C. (2002). Response of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis to stress in the absence and presence of ethanol in subjects at high and low risk of alcoholism, Neuropsychopharmacology, 27(3), 442-52.

Desautels A., Michaud M., Montplaisir J., Turecki G., Rouleau G. A. (2002). [Restless leg syndrome: clinical aspects, etiology and genetic factors], Rev Neurol (Paris), 158(12 Pt 1), 1225-31.

Desautels A., Michaud M., Montplaisir J., Turecki G., Rouleau G. A. (2002). [Restless leg syndrome arousal: clinic, etiology and genetic perspectives], Rev Neurol (Paris), 158(12), 1225-31.

Desautels A., Turecki G., Montplaisir J., Brisebois K., Sequeira A., Adam B., Rouleau G. A. (2002). Evidence for a genetic association between monoamine oxidase A and restless legs syndrome, Neurology, 59(2), 215-9.

Drolet G., Proulx K., Pearson D., Rochford J., Deschepper C. F. (2002). Comparisons of behavioral and neurochemical characteristics between WKY, WKHA, and Wistar rat strains, Neuropsychopharmacology, 27(3), 400-9.

Ellenbogen M. A., Schwartzman A. E., Stewart J., Walker C. (2002). Stress and selective attention: the interplay of mood, cortisol levels, and emotional information processing, Psychophysiology, 39(6), 723-32.

Gaveriaux-Ruff C., Kieffer B. (2002). Opioid receptor genes inactivated in mice: the highlights, Neuropeptides, 36(2-3), 62-71. Find out more.

Ghozland S., Matthes H. W., Simonin F., Filliol D., Kieffer B., Maldonado R. (2002). Motivational effects of cannabinoids are mediated by mu-opioid and kappa-opioid receptors, J Neurosci, 22(3), 1146-54. Find out more.

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