Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Troubles de l'humeur, d'anxiété et d'impulsivité


LeBlanc L., Tourigny M., Séguin M., Boyer T., Latimer E., Crocker A. (2012). Profils d’évolution des personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux graves qui reçoivent des services de suivi communautaire, Revue canadienne de santé mentale communautaire, 31(1), 33-44.

Lesage A., Moubarac J. C., Desrochers L., Turecki G. (2012). [Interdisciplinary dialogue on the etiology and prevention of suicide in Quebec], Sante Ment Que, 37(2), 25-30. En savoir plus.

Ma W. (2012). Targeting trafficking of nociceptive receptors to treat chronic pain conditions, J Autacoids, 1(2).

Ma W., St-Jacques B., Cruz Duarte P. (2012). Targeting pain mediators induced by injured nerve-derived COX2 and PGE2 to treat neuropathic pain, Expert Opin Ther Targets, 16(6), 527-540. En savoir plus.

Mahar I., Bagot R. C., Davoli M. A., Miksys S., Tyndale R. F., Walker C., Maheu M., Huang S. H., Wong T., Mechawar N. (2012). Developmental hippocampal neuroplasticity in a model of nicotine replacement therapy during pregnancy and breastfeeding, PLoS one, 7(5), e37219. En savoir plus.

Mansour S., Bruce K.R., Steiger H., Zuroff D.C., Horowitz S., Anestin A.S., Sycz L. (2012). Autonomous motivation: a predictor of treatment outcome in bulimia-spectrum eating disorders, Eur Eat Disord Rev, 20(3), 116-122. En savoir plus.

Marroquin J. L., Biscay R. J., Ruiz-Correa S., Alba A., Ramirez R., Armony J. (2012). Morphology-based hypothesis testing in discrete random fields: a non-parametric method to address the multiple-comparison problem in neuroimaging, NeuroImage, 59(3), 3061-74. En savoir plus.

Maussion G., Yang J., Yerko V., Barker P., Mechawar N., Ernst C., Turecki G. (2012). Regulation of a truncated form of tropomyosin-related kinase B (TrkB) by Hsa-miR-185* in frontal cortex of suicide completers, PLoS ONE, 7(6), e39301. En savoir plus.

McIntyre R. S., Alsuwaidan M., Goldstein B. I., Taylor V. H., Schaffer A., Beaulieu S., Kemp D. E. (2012). The Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) task force recommendations for the management of patients with mood disorders and comorbid metabolic disorders, Ann Clin Psychiatry, 24(1), 69-81. En savoir plus.

McIntyre R. S., Rosenbluth M., Ramasubbu R., Bond D. J., Taylor V. H., Beaulieu S., Schaffer A., Canadian Network for Mood, Anxiety Treatments Task Force (2012). Managing medical and psychiatric comorbidity in individuals with major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder, Ann Clin Psychiatry, 24(2), 163-9. En savoir plus.

McIntyre R. S., Schaffer A., Beaulieu S. (2012). The CANMAT task force recommendations for the management of patients with mood disorders and comorbid anxiety disorders, Ann Clin Psychiatry, 24(1), 2-3. En savoir plus.

Mechawar N. (2012). [What can microscopy teach us on suicide?], Santé Ment Qué, 37(2), 57-64. En savoir plus.

Nagy C., Turecki G. (2012). Sensitive periods in epigenetics: bringing us closer to complex behavioral phenotypes, Epigenomics, 4(4), 445-457. En savoir plus.

Nozaki C., Le Bourdonnec B., Reiss D., Windh R. T., Little P. J., Dolle R. E., Kieffer B., Gaveriaux-Ruff C. (2012). delta-Opioid mechanisms for ADL5747 and ADL5859 effects in mice: analgesia, locomotion, and receptor internalization, J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 342(3), 799-807. En savoir plus.

Oldershaw A., Simic M., Grima E., Jollant F., Richards C., Taylor L., Schmidt U. (2012). The effect of cognitive behavior therapy on decision making in adolescents who self-harm: a pilot study, Suicide Life Threat Behav, 42(3), 255-65. En savoir plus.

Ordway G. A., Szebeni A., Chandley M. J., Stockmeier C. A., Xiang L., Newton S. S., Turecki G., Duffourc M. M., Zhu M. Y., Zhu H., Szebeni K. (2012). Low gene expression of bone morphogenetic protein 7 in brainstem astrocytes in major depression, Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 15(7), 855-68. En savoir plus.

Parikh S. V., Zaretsky A., Beaulieu S., Yatham L. N., Young L. T., Patelis-Siotis I., Macqueen G. M., Levitt A., Arenovich T., Cervantes P., Velyvis V., Kennedy S. H., Streiner D. L. (2012). A randomized controlled trial of psychoeducation or cognitive-behavioral therapy in bipolar disorder: a Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety treatments (CANMAT) study [CME], J Clin Psychiatry, 73(6), 803-10. En savoir plus.

Perlis R. H., Ruderfer D., Hamilton S. P., Ernst C. (2012). Copy number variation in subjects with major depressive disorder who attempted suicide, PLoS ONE, 7(9), e46315. En savoir plus.

Perlis R.H., Ruderfer D., Maussion G., Chambert K., Gallagher P., Turecki G., Ernst C. (2012). Bipolar Disorder and a History of Suicide Attempts With a Duplication in 5HTR1A, Am J Psychiatry, 169(11), 1213-1214. En savoir plus.

Poundja J., Sanche S., Tremblay J., Brunet A. (2012). Trauma reactivation under the influence of propranolol: an examination of clinical predictors, Eur J Psychotraumatol, 3. En savoir plus.

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