Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Troubles de l'humeur, d'anxiété et d'impulsivité


Birmes P., Brunet A., Benoit M., Defer S., Hatton L., Sztulman H., Schmitt L. (2005). Validation of the Peritraumatic Dissociative Experiences Questionnaire self-report version in two samples of French-speaking individuals exposed to trauma, Eur Psychiatry , 20 (2 ), 145-151.

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Courtet P., Jollant F., Castelnau D., Buresi C., Malafosse A. (2005). Suicidal behavior: relationship between phenotype and serotonergic genotype, Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet, 133C(1), 25-33. En savoir plus.

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Desautels A., Turecki G., Montplaisir J., Xiong L., Walters A. S., Ehrenberg B. L., Brisebois K., Desautels A. K., Gingras Y., Johnson W. G., Lugaresi E., Coccagna G., Picchietti D. L., Lazzarini A., Rouleau G. A. (2005). Restless legs syndrome: confirmation of linkage to chromosome 12q, genetic heterogeneity, and evidence of complexity, Arch Neurol , 62 (4 ), 591-6.

Dongier M. (2005). What are the treatment options for comorbid alcohol abuse and depressive disorders?, J Psychiatry Neurosci , 30 (3 ), 224.

Dumais A., Lesage A. D., Alda M., Rouleau G., Dumont M., Chawky N., Roy M., Mann J. J., Benkelfat C., Turecki G. (2005). Risk factors for suicide completion in major depression: a case-control study of impulsive and aggressive behaviors in men, Am J Psychiatry , 162 (11 ), 2116-24.

Dumais A., Lesage A. D., Lalovic A., Seguin M., Tousignant M., Chawky N., Turecki G. (2005). Is violent method of suicide a behavioral marker of lifetime aggression?, Am J Psychiatry , 162 (7 ), 1375-8.

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