Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Troubles de l'humeur, d'anxiété et d'impulsivité


Kovacs K. M., Szakall I., O'Brien D., Wang R., Vinod K. Y., Saito M., Simonin F., Kieffer B., Vadasz C. (2005). Decreased oral self-administration of alcohol in kappa-opioid receptor knock-out mice, Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 29(5), 730-8. En savoir plus.

Krantic S., Mechawar N., Reix S., Quirion R. (2005). Molecular basis of programmed cell death involved in neurodegeneration, Trends Neurosci .

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Massotte D., Kieffer B. (2005). The second extracellular loop: a damper for G protein-coupled receptors?, Nat Struct Mol Biol, 12(4), 287-8. En savoir plus.

Nadeau L., Brown T., Redko C., Fortin M. C. (2005). What DWI offenders have to say?, Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research , 28 (5 ), 108a.

Neylan T. C., Brunet A., Pole N., Best S. R., Metzler T. J., Yehuda R., Marmar C. R. (2005). PTSD symptoms predict waking salivary cortisol levels in police officers, Psychoneuroendocrinology , 30 (4 ), 373-81.

Ng Ying Kin N. M., Paris J., Schwartz G., Zweig-Frank H., Steiger H., Nair N. (2005). Impaired platelet [(3)H]paroxetine binding in female patients with borderline personality disorder, Psychopharmacology (Berl) , 1-5.

Nieto M. M., Guen S. L., Kieffer B., Roques B. P., Noble F. (2005). Physiological control of emotion-related behaviors by endogenous enkephalins involves essentially the delta opioid receptors, Neuroscience, 135(2), 305-13. En savoir plus.

Pepler C. J., Edgar L., Frisch S., Rennick J., Swidzinski M., White C., Brown T., Gross J. (2005). Unit culture and research-based nursing practice in acute care, Can J Nurs Res , 37 (3 ), 66-85.

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Sanders M. J., Kieffer B., Fanselow M. S. (2005). Deletion of the mu opioid receptor results in impaired acquisition of Pavlovian context fear, Neurobiol Learn Mem, 84(1), 33-41. En savoir plus.

Sergerie K., Lepage M., Armony J. (2005). A face to remember: emotional expression modulates prefrontal activity during memory formation, Neuroimage , 24 (2 ), 580-585.

Steiger H., Gauvin L., Engelberg M. J., Ying Kin N., Israël M., Wonderlich S. A., Richardson J. (2005). Mood- and restraint-based antecedents to binge episodes in bulimia nervosa: possible influences of the serotonin system, Psychol Med , 35 (11 ), 1553-62.

Steiger H., Joober R., Israël M., Young S. N., Ng Ying Kin N. M., Gauvin L., Bruce K.R., Joncas J., Torkaman-Zehi A. (2005). The 5HTTLPR polymorphism, psychopathologic symptoms, and platelet [(3)H-] paroxetine binding in bulimic syndromes, Int J Eat Disord, 37(1), 57-60.

Steiger H., Richardson J., Israël M., Ng Ying Kin N. M., Bruce K.R., Mansour S., Marie Parent A. (2005). Reduced Density of Platelet-Binding Sites for [3H]Paroxetine in Remitted Bulimic Women, Neuropsychopharmacology, 30(5), 1028-32.

Tabarin A., Diz-Chaves Y., Carmona Mdel C., Catargi B., Zorrilla E. P., Roberts A. J., Coscina D. V., Rousset S., Redonnet A., Parker G. C., Inoue K., Ricquier D., Penicaud L., Kieffer B., Koob G. F. (2005). Resistance to diet-induced obesity in mu-opioid receptor-deficient mice: evidence for a "thrifty gene", Diabetes, 54(12), 3510-6. En savoir plus.

Thanh Tu M., Walker C., Lupien S. J. (2005). Feeding upon awakening in breastfeeding and bottlefeeding mothers does not affect the awakening cortisol response, Stress , 8 (3 ), 213-6.

Trentini C. M., Xavier F. M., Chachamovich E., Rocha N. S., Hirakata V. N., Fleck M. P. (2005). The influence of somatic symptoms on the performance of elders in the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Rev Bras Psiquiatr, 27(2), 119-23. En savoir plus.

Tryoen-Toth P., Decaillot F. M., Filliol D., Befort K., Lazarus L. H., Schiller P. W., Schmidhammer H., Kieffer B. (2005). Inverse agonism and neutral antagonism at wild-type and constitutively active mutant delta opioid receptors, J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 313(1), 410-21. En savoir plus.

Tu M. T., Lupien S. J., Walker C. (2005). Measuring stress responses in postpartum mothers: perspectives from studies in human and animal populations, Stress , 8 (1 ), 19-34.

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