Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
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Troubles de l'humeur, d'anxiété et d'impulsivité


Oh G., Wang S. C., Pal M., Chen Z. F., Khare T., Tochigi M., Ng C., Yang Y. A., Kwan A., Kaminsky Z. A., Mill J., Gunasinghe C., Tackett J. L., Gottesman , Willemsen G., de Geus E. J., Vink J. M., Slagboom P. E., Wray N. R., Heath A. C., Montgomery G. W., Turecki G., Martin N. G., Boomsma D. I., McGuffin P., Kustra R., Petronis A. (2014). DNA Modification Study of Major Depressive Disorder: Beyond Locus-by-Locus Comparisons, Biol Psychiatry. En savoir plus.

Olliac B., Birmes P., Bui E., Allenou C., Brunet A., Claudet I., Sales de Gauzy J., Grandjean H., Raynaud J. P. (2014). Validation of the French version of the child post-traumatic stress reaction index: psychometric properties in French speaking school-aged children, PLoS One, 9(12), e112603. En savoir plus.

Ouimet M. C., Brown T., Guo F., Klauer S. G., Simons-Morton B. G., Fang Y., Lee S. E., Gianoulakis C., Dingus T. A. (2014). Higher crash and near-crash rates in teenaged drivers with lower cortisol response: an 18-month longitudinal, naturalistic study, JAMA Pediatr, 168(6), 517-22. En savoir plus.

Pandya C., Kutiyanawalla A., Turecki G., Pillai A. (2014). Glucocorticoid regulates TrkB protein levels via c-Cbl dependent ubiquitination: a decrease in c-Cbl mRNA in the prefrontal cortex of suicide subjects, Psychoneuroendocrinology, 45, 108-18. En savoir plus.

Pohl J., Sheppard M., Luheshi G., Woodside B. (2014). Diet-induced weight gain produces a graded increase in behavioral responses to an acute immune challenge, Brain Behav Immun, 35, 43-50. En savoir plus.

Pohl J., Woodside B., Luheshi G. (2014). Leptin modulates the late fever response to LPS in diet-induced obese animals, Brain Behav Immun. En savoir plus.

Reiss D., Walter O., Bourgoin L., Kieffer B., Ouagazzal A. M. (2014). New automated procedure to assess context recognition memory in mice, Psychopharmacology (Berl). En savoir plus.

Renaud J., Séguin M., Lesage A., Marquette C., Choo B., Turecki G. (2014). Service Use and Unmet Needs in Youth Suicide: A Study of Trajectories, Can J Psychiatry, 59(10), 523-530.

Richard-Devantoy S., Berlim M., Jollant F. (2014). A meta-analysis of neuropsychological markers of vulnerability to suicidal behavior in mood disorders, Psychol Med, 44(8), 1663-73. En savoir plus.

Richard-Devantoy S., Berlim M., Jollant F. (2014). Suicidal behaviour and memory: A systematic review and meta-analysis, World J Biol Psychiatry, 1-23. En savoir plus.

Richard-Devantoy S., Jollant F., Bouyer-Richard A. I., Lhuillier J. P., Gorwood P. (2014). Homicide and Klinefelter syndrome: a complex interaction, Rev Bras Psiquiatr, 36(2), 153-6. En savoir plus.

Richard-Devantoy S., Orsat M., Dumais A., Turecki G., Jollant F. (2014). Neurocognitive vulnerability: suicidal and homicidal behaviours in patients with schizophrenia, Can J Psychiatry, 59(1), 18-25. En savoir plus.

Rocchetti J., Isingrini E., Dal-Bo G., Sagheby S., Menegaux A., Tronche F., Levesque D., Moquin L., Gratton A., Wong T., Rubinstein M., Giros B. (2014). Presynaptic D Dopamine Receptors Control Long-Term Depression Expression and Memory Processes in the Temporal Hippocampus, Biol Psychiatry. En savoir plus.

Sandberg K., Blicher J. U., Dong M. Y., Rees G., Near J., Kanai R. (2014). Occipital GABA correlates with cognitive failures in daily life, NeuroImage, 87, 55-60. En savoir plus.

Shiozawa P., Fregni F., Bensenor I. M., Lotufo P. A., Berlim M., Daskalakis J. Z., Cordeiro Q., Brunoni A. R. (2014). Transcranial direct current stimulation for major depression: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis, Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 17(9), 1443-52. En savoir plus.

Silva P. N., Furuya T. K., Braga I. L., Rasmussen L. T., Labio R. W., Bertolucci P. H., Chen E. S., Turecki G., Mechawar N., Payao S. L., Mill J., Smith M. C. (2014). Analysis of HSPA8 and HSPA9 mRNA expression and promoter methylation in the brain and blood of Alzheimer's disease patients, J Alzheimers Dis, 38(1), 165-70. En savoir plus.

St-Jacques B., Ma W. (2014). Peripheral prostaglandin E2 prolongs the sensitization of nociceptive dorsal root ganglion neurons possibly by facilitating the synthesis and anterograde axonal trafficking of EP4 receptors, Exp Neurol, 261C, 354-366. En savoir plus.

Stagg C. J., Bachtiar V., Amadi U., Gudberg C. A., Ilie A. S., Sampaio-Baptista C., O'Shea J., Woolrich M., Smith S. M., Filippini N., Near J., Johansen-Berg H. (2014). Local GABA concentration is related to network-level resting functional connectivity, Elife, 3, e01465. En savoir plus.

Steiger H., Coelho J., Thaler L., Van den Eynde F. (2014). Eating Disorders, .

Stojkovic K., Wing S. S., Cermakian N. (2014). A central role for ubiquitination within a circadian clock protein modification code, Front Mol Neurosci, 7, 69. En savoir plus.

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