Sixteen experts from both sides of the Atlantic meet at the Douglas Institute


For the 24th edition of the Entretiens Jacques Cartier, the Douglas Mental Health University Institute is pleased to be hosting the symposium “Alzheimer's Disease: Government Strategies and Research.” Sixteen international experts will come together on October 3 and 4 to take stock of government strategies employed in Quebec, Canada, France and the European Union and to discuss recent breakthroughs in basic and clinical research.

Alzheimer's Disease

In Canada like elsewhere, Alzheimer's Disease has caused much devastation. In 2010, there were 36 million cases around the world. This represents 6 million Europeans living with this affliction, including about 800,000 from France, along with 500,000 Canadians, including 120,000 Quebecers. In about thirty years, the number here in Canada could surpass the million mark if no concrete measures are taken to improve future programs and better meet the needs of not only researchers but also those suffering from Alzheimer's. Of course, there is also the economic burden of more than $150 billion a year that governments can no longer ignore.

International collaboration

In light of this serious public health issue, governments on both sides of the Atlantic have implemented strategies to offer better care to patients at all stages of the disease, to reinforce prevention, and to support public research efforts. This major work requires cooperation among all stakeholders in the public, university and private sectors.

The Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR) in France, the Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec (FRSQ), and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) have launched a new joint research program on Alzheimer's and related diseases to support innovative international research projects. The agreement that led to this program was signed in the presence of the Prime Minister of France and the Premier of Quebec in July 2008.

As part of the agreement, eminent researchers from North America and Europe will study the foundations of research and government strategies so that a thorough analysis of successes and obstacles can help improve future programs.

The Scientific Committee

In keeping with the criteria of the Centre Jacques-Cartier, the scientific committee includes an equal number of members from Quebec and the Rhône-Alpes region. The Quebec contingent includes two members from McGill University (Richard Brière and Rémi Quirion) and one member from Université de Montréal (Sylvie Belleville); the French delegation is comprised of two members from Université Joseph Fourier in Grenoble (Alain Buisson and Rémy Sadoul) and one member from Université Claude Bernard in Lyon (Anne Didier). The Centre Jacques Cartier is already looking to hold a second symposium on Alzheimer's disease next year that would address health services and the social aspects of the disease.


Florence Meney
Media Relation
Communications and public affairs
Phone: 514-761-6131, ext. 2769
Cell.: 514-835-3236

Consult the complete program of the conference.